Phousy Group Sole Co., Ltd

To be the leader in creativity and innovation in the country’s modern engineering and construction with quality and comprehensiveness.

Our Services

Building Construction

Foundation Work

Tear-downs & Haul-offs

Site Management


  • Phousy Group has over 27 years experience of business operations in Laos especially our construction portfolio of roads and bridges since 1997.
  • In 2009, under the leadership of President Mr. Sithong Phommachith, the second generation, the company’s total asset has increased to over $3 billion.
  • Phousy Group Portfolio comprises of road and bridge construction, architecture & design, petroleum, irrigation system, mining, hydropower, and import/export, hotel, transportation and grindstone factory.
  • Phousy Group is a home to over 130 employees where we operate in friendly family liked environment.

Years Established

Completed Projects



Phousy Group strives to be the leading corporation in Lao PDR and expand our portfolio to serve not only Lao 


“ Phousy Group works hard to provide our customers with the highest level of quality services while ensuring the longevity 


  • Being primary contractor for construction projects to the government of Laos.


Government’s Office

  • Ministry of Public Works and Transport

Value Statement

Openness – by searching for new possibilities, thinking creatively           and having the courage to learn from successes and failures, take …

People and organizational structure

Our people are our most valuable resources. The right people drive 
our business forward, which is …

We’ve Been Building For Over 27 Years

Responsible for quality work according to the budget and time limit including responsibility to the community environment and country

Let’s Build Something Together

Focus on safety as important in every work to meet international standards.

where is the company located?

Continental Plaza Hotel Nongbouathong-tai Village, Sikhottabong District, Vientiane Capital, Lao PDR

Other Business

Contact Us

Continental Plaza Hotel Nongbouathong-tai Village, Sikhottabong District, Vientiane Capital, Lao PDR

+856 021 229696

+856 21265394